Typically, we will draw blood and have a progesterone titer performed. We know it's getting close to ovulation because male dogs in the house start their courting routine, and we have to keep the boys and girls separated to prevent any unplanned breedings. Oh, the howling and the lack of all social skills can be amusing.

Anyway we noticed these signs in Martha about Feb 13. We observed some bloody discharge on this day. Our vet for canine reproductive matters, Dr Tom Holcomb, is our local theriogenologist. He also is on the AKC list of compliant veterinary practices for artificial insemination.
Anyway, Tom says a progesterone level of about 2.5 would indicate the time for breeding is indicated. So we started testing.
Tom has the bloodwork done at Antech Labs. From a level of 0.5 on Tuesday, Feb 19, it rose to 2.6 on Monday, Feb 25. So we called Terri in Minnesota, and advised her we were bringing Martha to her promptly for breeding to Kyle. Martha was ready to go.
Speaking of our vet, Tom Holcomb, here he is with our first puppy visit from Simon's litter in 2003. Tom has a way with animals. The Dallas County Conservation Department dept brings him injured and ill wildlfe, as do the genral public. Animals love him. He has such a calm, confident way. As he's drawing blood from Martha, she licks his face and ears so much he can't see what he's doing. Our dogs adore him.
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