Saturday, May 10, 2008

Talk About Porkers !

These fellows grow fast! They are almost a foot long. And they are so much out of proportion when contrasted with adult conformation. Their fat tummies are particularly charming. Their eyes are still not open. I love the way they grunt and moan, and twitch. When I hold them, they cuddle up to me and relax. I'm letting them get a good smell and taste of me so they'll have a memory of me when they are adults.

Martha continues to have loose stools. The stools are not as watery and tinged with blood as earlier in the week. We hope control her digestive issues with diet, yet still get sufficient nutrition into her so she and the puppies will thrive.

Margie and Gretl are in Chicago visiting Margie's mom who is in the hospital recovering from surgery.

It's a cool, damp, cloudy day today. It's a perfect day for catching up on sleep - for me and the puppies.

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