Monday, June 30, 2008
The New (Old) Sleeping Arrangements
Hope and Paige looked on from Heaven...all was right with the world.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The Puppies Went to Their New Homes Today
We are happy to see that the puppies have new, safe, secure homes. But we are sad they are leaving us. They will remember us forever.
Avery is going to a competition home in Wisconsin.
Tate (aka Tater Tot) is going home to be with a Golden Retriever older brother in Minnesota.
Tilly (Kayla) is going to a home with Lulu, Simon's sister, in Iowa.
Izzy went home with our son and his wife, in Iowa.
And of course, Piper now has the run the house. She is our breed show prospect.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Humans are so much fun to play with!
Margie took down my whelping box because the kids were escaping…it was so cute to see them running around the bedroom while Margie was at work! The kids had a good opportunity to develop their individual talents. Kayla loved hiding under the bed with Tate and then lunging out at Piper and Avery. Avery doesn't like getting pounced on…he likes to be quietly dignified. He reminds me of a lion; he likes to command attention. Piper, who is just like her great-grandmother, Hope, carried on about things not being fair. I know I am going to have a battle with that girl when she grows up! Piper really likes to push my buttons now! She thinks she is in charge, but I am. Hope raised some of us when mom (Ripley) was in the hospital. I learned early on not to mess with Hope! She was an angel, but kept all of us in line; I am trying to emulate Hope. Mom was more of a free-spirit and didn't care if we left toys out. Hope wanted everything in its place and no one could take the special toys; she told us they were for older dogs and we would have to wait until we grew up. Well, that is exactly how I am running things…besides, now I am grown up! The kids didn't mess anything up while they were running around, and I put my special toys on Margie's bed so they couldn't get to them.
Well, yesterday Margie put up the Giant Kennels in her room so she could put two pups/cage while she was at work. Poor dear! You should have seen her face when she came home and found Kayla, Avery, and me greeting her at the bedroom door. There was no mess; I am teaching the kids to hold their….well, you know…and they did just fine. Piper and Tate had to stay in the kennel and watch the three of us have a wonderful and free morning. I really did feel bad for them, but I couldn't open the other cage since it had a double latch (I think I will try to work on it tonight when Margie is asleep). Margie said she will get a combination lock this afternoon….poor human! A combination lock will only work if she hides the combination…after all, I AM a Standard Poodle!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Puppy Evaluation
The puppy evaluation is done ! How did they do? Overall, our trainer was very impressed with these little guys. Although the specifics of the test will be given to each owner (you wouldn’t want your tests scores all over the world…), the results validated what I have been seeing here. The purpose of the assessment is to let owners know natural tendencies of the pup. Can outside factors influence the pup’s reactions to the stimuli? Yes. The pups were away from home (20 minute car ride), there was a small group of observers, the test was done by a stranger (to them), and Martha was not present.
All the pups had no reaction to touch sensitivity (indicates type of training equipment required). Does this mean a cattle prod should be included in our training bags? I think it means that these are poodles have been groomed since they were but a week old and don’t mind getting shaved. The other scores were all within normal ranges. The pup that did not perform “the best” was my little Piper. Am I concerned? Quite the contrary. Piper made it quite clear that she is dominant…this was no surprise to me. In fact, I am happy to know up front so I can tailor my training to meet her needs. Watching Piper reminded me of my Hope…a princess with an attitude! My job as a trainer/owner was to get her to accept that I can be trusted to be in charge. I had to be consistent. Working with Piper will be a reminiscent joy.
I thank all our friends (family is a better assessment) who helped us with our puppies.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The Poo-Poo Stage
The pups love the outdoors. Avery and Kayla love the smell of the air and the feel of the grass under their feet. The played with and tasted the wind; they waltzed to the melody of the songbirds. Will they be lethargic as adults? I don’t think so…I see them as passionate and self-assured. Piper, Izabella, and Tate, the most impish of the group, embraced freedom. Their competitive games added a new meaning to “seize the day.” Great fun! Will they be difficult to train? I don’t think so…they are enthusiastic and animated.
The puppy testing tomorrow will add another dimension to understanding the quintuplets. They are perfect right now. The testing will help us find the best way to focus the pup to live in our world. There is no cookie cutter approach to training pups anymore than teaching children; the more we learn, the more we will appreciate our puppy.
As for my little one…yes, Piper! Piper can best be described as recalcitrant and impulsive with an earsplitting and endless bark. Piper will run in the opposite direction when called, shred papers, and hang over the sides of the whelping box. Piper runs up for a cuddle when she wants out and then hides under the bed when it is time for bed. She reminds me of someone…and I would give anything for even a few more hours with my Hope.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The First OFFICIAL Puppy Mug Shots - 6 weeks



Getting Clean
Simon supervised the process, and wanted to let you know of his view.

It is easy for people to brag about their siblings during special occasions. On this "not so special occasion" I want to brag about my little sister, Martha.
This afternoon Margie gave my nieces and nephews an official "personal shower" bath in the guest bathroom. Poor little kids, they were scared and shivering. They were dried with the Edemco dryer before Margie wrapped them in freshly warmed towels. She put them on the puppy heater next to their Snuggle Puppy. It didn't matter…even though they were dry, the air gave them little goosebumps. Martha went in their bed and snuggled close to them. She even let them nurse a bit…this was for comfort rather than nourishment because she doesn't have much there anymore. I know her eyes were crossing with every bite of those razor sharp puppy teeth, but she licked them on the muzzle and kept them from being afraid. Once they were asleep, she covered them with one of the blankets.
They are all awake now and looking like they are draped in feathers. Martha went back in there to make sure they were happy. She makes this big brother very proud.
PS…I don't know if anyone told you all, but Martha will also feed the kids solids. When the kids nibble at her muzzle, she will give up her own dinner to them (even after they have eaten). The humans think it is not pleasant, but it is what canines do for their young. Margie and Jerry are trying to keep Martha from doing this because she is looking awfully thin…but, you know these young girls and their waistlines! Martha said all that matters to her is that her children are healthy and happy like she is. Boy, am I proud of her!
Ch. Canterbury Tails Notsosimple CD RN
Weaned, For Real Sure Now

And, today we have flooding in central Iowa. As in the Great Flood of 1993, rain has continued to train just NW of Des Moines, filling the Raccoon and Des Moines River basins. Saylorville Dam is projected to be overtopped sometime later this evening, and that's with an additional 6 ft tall flood fence installed after the '93 event. When that happens, flow down to Des Moines will double. Businesses and expensive apartments in the downtown area, near Court Street, are already flooding. We are high on a hill overlooking the Raccoon River valley, so we are safe.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Weaned, For Sure
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Puppies Are Vaccinated