Saturday, May 31, 2008

It's Been Slow To Post

Margie is out of town with her Mom recovering from the surgery. So Jerry is home alone. And you know what kinds of problems little boys can get into when their home alone ! It's been one thing after another, and it's not the puppies, it's the weather. Thursday PM into Frdiay AM we had three tornado warnings in Dallas County. I was up until 3 AM, then grabbed a few hours sleep before I was off to work at 7 AM. So I "slept in " this morning. I had to take Martha potty at 4 AM, but I got back to sleep and got up a 8 AM.

Made some coffee, talked with Margie, took out the garbage, made a meal for the puppies (I'm leaving out the rice cereal now), fed the puppies, exercised, fed and watered the adult dogs, took a nice shower, put the clean dishes away, put the dirty dishes into the machine, started a load of laundry, called FedEx wondering where the package that I was expecting was at ... all by 9 AM. That sleep really helped. The puppies look adorable. I'll get some more pictures today.

The FedEx package is a super lens I rented for this weekend to shoot some pics at the Ames Cyclone Agility Trial. The site is at the ISU soccer field, which is next to Squaw Creek, which according nto the hydological maps, is suffering some moderate flooding. So I sent an email to Deb to see if it was still on, or moved. No response yet..she's probably busy. I was going to go tomorrow AM anyway.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Hi Jerry -
We love the postings and especially the videos! If you take pictures of the pups this weekend, can you label them so we can tell who is who?
Tracy & Todd